Pre nášho telekomunikačného klienta, v Bratislave hľadáme Integračného Inžiniera: I. Popis práce / Job Description: Všeobecná charakteristika / Job Purpose IT Integration Engineer je zodpovedný za návrh a realizáciu technických riešení v oblasti integrácie systémov. Zabezpečuje hladké nasadenie riešení do produkčnej prevádzky a vo vybraných projektoch garantuje súlad celej IT dodávky s požiadavkami. Aktívne sa podieľa na optimalizácii biznis procesov a integrácii systémov, čím prispieva k zvyšovaniu efektivity, inováciám a zlepšovaniu výkonnosti organizácie. Zodpovednosti / Responsibilities Analýza požiadaviek a návrh riešení: Zbiera, vyhodnocuje a validuje požiadavky na úpravy systémov a navrhuje optimálne riešenia s cieľom zlepšiť biznis procesy. Technický dizajn riešení: Pripravuje high-level dizajn a spolupracuje s architektmi na tvorbe detailných technických návrhov. Zodpovedá za vypracovanie projektovej dokumentácie, podkladov pre rozhodovacie orgány a meetingy. Integrácia systémov a plánovanie aktivít: Spoluzodpovedá za návrh a integráciu rozhraní medzi systémami, plánuje aktivity a pripravuje pravidelné reporty o stave projektov. Dohľad nad implementáciou a kvalitou: Zabezpečuje správne nasadenie riešení, vykonáva kontrolu kvality a monitoruje výkon systémov po implementácii. Koordinuje a dohliada na odstránenie prípadných chýb a incidentov po nasadení do prevádzky. Dodržiavanie metodík a projektové hodnotenia: Riadi sa projektovou/agile metodikou, aktívne sa podieľa na vyhodnocovaní projektov a príprave odporúčaní pre ďalší rozvoj (vrátane “lessons learned”). Ostatné úlohy: Úzko spolupracuje s tímom test inžinierov a koordinuje testovanie pre zabezpečenie kvality IT riešení. V rámci vybraných projektov pôsobí ako Solution inžinier, koordinuje end-to-end IT dodávky a zodpovedá za ich realizáciu. Spolupracuje s externými dodávateľmi a subdodávateľmi v rámci projektu, s internými členmi projektovéhu tímu a ich nadriadenými manažérskymi úrovňami, zadávateľmi a stakeholdermi projektu. Plní ďalšie úlohy podľa pokynov nadriadeného v súlade s pracovnou náplňou.
Bratislava (hybrid work)
Pre nášho telekomunikačného klienta, v Bratislave hľadáme IT Core Commerce Analytika: I. Popis práce / Job Description: Všeobecná charakteristika / Job Purpose Core Commerce Analyst / Engineer analyzuje biznisové a funkčné požiadavky v rámci core commerce domény a propozícií, mapuje ich na konkrétne technické riešenie/a v oblasti core commerce domény, vrátane produktového katalógu, predajných aplikácií pre POS a propozícií. Tvorí high-level architektúru riešenia a zabezpečuje súlad celej IT dodávky riešenia. Táto rola zahŕňa úzku spoluprácu s pridelenými inžiniermi, architektom a viacerými IT dodávateľmi, pričom je zodpovedný za validáciu riešenia na príslušných komisiách, najmä Architecture Committee. Navrhuje alternatívy zamerané na optimalizáciu nákladov a skrátenie doby dodávky riešení. Zodpovednosti / Responsibilities Analýza požiadaviek a návrh riešení: Zbiera, vyhodnocuje a validuje požiadavky na úpravy core commerce systémov a navrhuje optimálne riešenia s cieľom zlepšiť biznis procesy. Technický dizajn riešení: Pripravuje high-level dizajn a spolupracuje s architektmi na tvorbe detailných technických návrhov. Zodpovedá za vypracovanie projektovej dokumentácie, podkladov pre rozhodovacie orgány a meetingy. Efektivita a plánovanie aktivít: Spoluzodpovedá za návrh a optimalizáciu riešení v oblasti core commerce, vrátane produktového katalógu, predajných aplikácií pre POS a propozícií na predaj telco produktov a služieb. Plánuje aktivity, koordinuje implementáciu a zabezpečuje, že riešenia sú v súlade s biznisovými požiadavkami. Dohľad nad implementáciou a kvalitou: Pripravuje pravidelné reporty o stave projektov a pokroku implementácie, pričom sa sústreďuje na udržanie kvality a termínov dodávok. Dohliada na správne nasadenie riešení na test/produkčné prostredia. Koordinuje a dohliada na odstránenie prípadných chýb a incidentov po nasadení do prevádzky. Dodržiavanie metodík a projektové hodnotenia: Riadi sa projektovou/agile metodikou, aktívne sa podieľa na vyhodnocovaní projektov a príprave odporúčaní pre ďalší rozvoj (vrátane “lessons learned”). Ostatné úlohy: Úzko spolupracuje s tímom test inžinierov a koordinuje testovanie pre zabezpečenie kvality IT riešení. V rámci vybraných projektov pôsobí ako Solution inžinier, koordinuje end-to-end IT dodávky a zodpovedá za ich realizáciu. Spolupracuje s externými dodávateľmi a subdodávateľmi v rámci projektu, s internými členmi projektovéhu tímu a ich nadriadenými manažérskymi úrovňami, zadávateľmi a stakeholdermi projektu. Plní ďalšie úlohy podľa pokynov nadriadeného v súlade s pracovnou náplňou.
Bratislava (hybrid work)
The Senior Data Engineer is responsible for the design, implementation and automation of data flows (data extraction, processing, cleansing, transformation and visualization) across environments. He/she represents the creation and management of data infrastructure (on-premise or cloud) and ensures its suitability for the required data products. Within projects, plans, analyzes, gathers requirements, coordinates technical implementation, testing, and oversees deployment of solutions into production. He also manages external vendors when required and is responsible for IT delivery compliance. Core competence: - Experience in data engineering with a focus on the design, implementation and management of data flows (ETL/ELT), working with databases and data infrastructure (on-premise or cloud). - Experience with IT project management. Your tasks: - Technical Design: Collaborates with data architects and vendors to design data models and infrastructure. Responsible for developing project documentation, documentation for decision makers and meetings. - Orchestration and Automation: Responsible for the design, implementation and monitoring of data flows including process automation. - Quality and Security: Ensures proper documentation and compliance with security rules when working with sensitive data. - Compliance with methodologies and project reviews: Follows project/agile methodology, actively participates in project evaluations and preparation of recommendations for further development (including "lessons learned"). - Other tasks: Coordinates with data analysts, data science and business teams to identify requirements and data sources. Provides consultation, training and proposes improvements to streamline data processes. Monitors systems performance, resolves incidents and ensures adherence to established KPIs. Coordinates testing and ensures smooth deployment of solutions into production, including babysitting after deployment. Serves as a Solution Engineer on selected projects, coordinating end-to-end IT deliverables and is responsible for their implementation.
Bratislava, hybrid work
Pre telekomunikačného klienta v Bratislave hľadáme Solution Architekta, ktorý: • Dokáže porozumieť jednotlivým častiam IT architektúry a na základe požiadaviek a IT analýzy vytvorí podrobný návrh riešenia vrátane architektúry, komponentov a balíka technológií potrebných na správne fungovanie. • Rozumie business požiadavkám a identifikuje všetky potenciálne problémy, ktoré môžu ovplyvniť návrh riešenia • Vie vytvárať technický popis a definovať implementačné úlohy pre tím alebo iné poradenské profesie • Zvládne vykonať analýzu identifikovaných systémových chýb a vyriešiť ich • Hľadá spôsoby, ako zlepšiť celkové riešenie a identifikuje oblasti, ktoré je potrebné zlepšiť
Bratislava (hybrid work)
For our Telco client based in Bratislava we are looking for a junior Project Manager Officer (PMO). The Junior PMO will play a key role in supporting the overall project management activities of the Milkyway program. This individual will focus on ensuring that timelines, deliverables, and quality standards are met, while maintaining effective communication with the program manager. The Junior PMO will also document meeting minutes, assist in brainstorming and design thinking sessions, and support the program manager in driving the project to completion. Key Responsibilities: 1. Project Management Support 2. Documentation and Meeting Coordination 3. Collaboration and Stakeholder Communication 4. Visualization and Design Thinking 5. Risk Management and Continuous Improvement 6. AI-Friendliness and Technology Utilization
Bratislava (hybrid work)
For our Telco client based in Bratislava we are looking for SAP Integration Designer. The SAP Integration Designer is responsible for designing, developing, and optimizing integration solutions between SAP systems and other technologies within the organization. This role ensures that integration interfaces between SAP (e.g., S/4HANA, ECC) and external applications (e.g., cloud solutions, databases, APIs) are seamless, high-performing, and secure. The SAP Integration Designer will play a pivotal role in ensuring the organization’s integration solutions align with the broader transformation goals of the Milkyway program. Key Responsibilities: 1. Analysis and Design of Integration Solutions 2. Development and Implementation of Integration Scenarios 3. Management and Optimization of Integration Interfaces 4. Collaboration and Documentation 5. Security and Compliance Technologies and Tools: - SAP Integration Tools: - SAP PI/PO, SAP CPI (Cloud Platform Integration) - SAP API Management, SAP Gateway - SAP Event Mesh, Message Queue systems - Integration Protocols: - IDoc, BAPI, RFC, OData, SOAP/REST APIs - Middleware & ETL Solutions: - Middleware solutions, ETL tools - Cloud and Extension Platforms: - SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP)
Bratislava (hybrid work)
For our Telco client based in Bratislava we are looking for SAP Migration Coordinator. The SAP Migration Coordinator will play a crucial role in the Milkyway program, overseeing and coordinating the migration of data to new SAP systems (such as S/4HANA). Rather than focusing on the technical execution of migration, this position is responsible for managing migration activities, ensuring effective communication between the migration integrators, business teams, and other stakeholders. The coordinator will ensure that data migration is performed according to the defined strategy, timelines, and quality standards, while mitigating risks and managing expectations across all parties involved. This role is ideal for someone with strong project management, communication, and organizational skills, who can manage complex processes and work with cross-functional teams. Key Responsibilities: 1. Migration Planning & Strategy Coordination 2. Migration Process Management & Oversight 3. Team Coordination and Leadership 4. Quality Control and Risk Management 5. Documentation and Communication Technologies and Tools: - SAP Migration Tools: - SAP Migration Cockpit (LTMC) - SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) - SAP Data Services - SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) - Data Management & Monitoring Tools: - ETL tools (e.g., Informatica, Talend) - SAP BW - SQL - Collaboration Tools: - Microsoft Office Suite - Project Management Tools (e.g., JIRA, Trello, MS Project)
Bratislava (hybrid work)
For our Telco client based in Bratislava we are looking for a SAP Architect. The SAP Architect will play a critical role in the Milkyway transformation program, driving the design and implementation of complex SAP solutions within the organization. The architect will ensure that SAP systems are integrated across different platforms and technologies, optimizing the architecture for enhanced performance, scalability, and security. The role also includes providing strategic guidance on the modernization of the SAP ecosystem and managing the transition to S/4HANA or cloud environments. This is a strategic position that will require a combination of technical expertise, leadership, and strong collaboration skills, as the SAP Architect will work closely with various teams, including business stakeholders, IT development teams, and external partners, to ensure alignment with the overall transformation vision. Key Responsibilities: 1. SAP Architecture Design & Optimization 2. Strategic Consulting and Transformation Support 3. Leadership and Team Collaboration 4. Solution Implementation & Testing 5. Risk Management & Process Improvement
Bratislava (hybrid work)
For our Telco client we are looking for an experienced Roll-Out Manager. The client is committed to innovation and technology leadership across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. Your career here will have a positive impact on people’s lives and will help us build the capabilities needed for a more productive, sustainable, and inclusive world. Detailed site deployment plan agreement with customer and subcontractors. Confirmation with subcontractors required resources and time plan Site survey plans agreement with customer and subcontractors Ensures site readiness with customer Ensures all required HW and materials availability for planned implementation Confirmation with subcontractors required resources and time plan Knowledge of the site installation guide Coordinates field deployment for site surveys, implementation documentation delivery, faults removal, customer acceptance, etc. Daily communication with project team, partners, customer to keep agreed plan and issue resolving Ensures that schedules and forecasts are kept up to date and communicated to relevant stakeholders Ensures that constraints and risks are managed successfully Manage the compliance towards Quality and Health & Safety standards Milestones maintenance in NOKIA and Customer databases
Full remote (will require occasional trips to the Germany)
For our financial client, based in Bratislava, we are looking for an experienced Full Stack Developer. Are you a technology fan and impressed by aircrafts and ships or are you fascinated by nature and agriculture? Do you want to be part of the energy transition to renewables, or do you see yourself as the Cyber guardian? If your response is yes, continue to read our job offer. We are working on all these products and are growing our team! About the Role Your responsibilities will be: Own system and tech landscape which is the foundation of our business applications Deliver solutions together with Product Managers and Business Owners Oversee the development and maintenance work and drive the technology implementation together with the lead architect Ensure that state of the art technology is consistently used in the landscape with highest efficiency Connect with internal and external clients to ensure a smooth adoption of company´s tools and systems About the Team If tackling complex challenges in a wide range of industries excites you, then join our client´s innovative team, where you are at the forefront of creating new ingenious solutions in a collaborative way. The team is an empowered tech counterpart for client´s business units, responsible for the design and implementation of inventive data and software projects. We develop new analytics and software tools and improve company´s risk assessment capabilities. Joining them, you will learn not only how insurance premiums are modelled and how data and technology can enrich business but also the technologies that are used in modern SaaS applications and in an internal system landscape with a focus on cloud technology and distributed systems. You will be the one responsible for enabling business to live up to the aspirations and therefore you will contribute significantly to the success of the company.
For our financial client, based in Bratislava, we are looking for an experienced DevSecOps Engineer. You would be playing a key role in ensuring the reliability, stability, scalability and security of Azure based RMIT application landscape. You will be monitoring, implementing, and testing highly automated solutions to shape the technology platform fulfils business and product vision, ultimately bring value to customers with positive user experiences. Key Responsibilities: • End-to-end responsibility in operating, continuously improving performance and fault[1]tolerance of large-scale multi-cloud solutions. • Ensure system security, data integrity, and high availability of the platform. • Keep up with technology trends and identify promising new solutions that meet company´s requirements. • Create technical support documentation and provide hands-on troubleshooting and consulting to company´s customers. About the team CoE Architecture and DevSecOps is a small team within the Risk Management InfoTech department that does support 20+ applications I the discipline of IT Solution Architecture and DevSecOps discipline. Our IT landscape is using Azure as our main public cloud but also consists of on-prem systems, SAS solutions and Palantir Foundry based applications.
Pre nášho telekomunikačného klienta hľadáme MW konfiguračného inžiniera. Projekt migracie MW tras: Zadávanie konfiguračných parametrov do sieťových prvkov a vkladanie sieťových prvkov pod sieťový manažment. Informácie o pracovnom mieste: Po úvodnom zaškolení samostatná práca v Ericsson Network Manager prostredí Zadávanie konfiguračných parametrov pre sieťové mikrovlnné zariadenia Kontrola zadaných konfiguračných parametrov a v prípade potreby ich úprava Vkladanie sieťových mikrovlnných zariadení pod sieťový manažment Tvorba dokumentácie v Exceli
Bratislava/ Praha
Pre nášho etablovaného telekomunikačného klienta, v Bratislave hľadáme šikovného Senior Java Developera so skúsenosťami s vývojom veľkých BE systémov, proaktívneho, ochotného pracovať pri riešení problémov aj mimo pracovných hodín, ktorý sa pripojí k nášmu dynamickému tímu. Kandidát bude zodpovedný za vývoj a údržbu softvérových riešení v jazyku Java v oblasti TV Middleware, s dôrazom na microservices architektúru a cloudové technológie.
Bratislava (hybridná alokácia)
Für unseren Kunden, den größten Medienkonzern Österreichs, suchen wir einen erfahrenen Data Engineer. Aufgaben: Implementierung und Wartung ELT-Pipelines. Mitarbeit/Aufbau von Datawarehouse. Bereitstellung von Daten für Analysen und Berichte. Gewährleistung der Sicherheit der Daten und die Beachtung datenschutzrechtlicher Bestimmungen. Erkennung und Realisierung von Optimierungen in den Bereichen Datenverarbeitung und -speicherung. Unterstützung des Teams bei der Erstellung und Implementierung von Daten-Pipelines und bei der Bewertung neuer Technologien und Werkzeuge im Bereich des Data Processings.
Wien remote, 1x / Wo on-site
About the Role As Senior Cloud Architect, you will lead the architectural design and implementation of cloud solutions within the Risk Management Domain. This senior role requires a strategic thinker with a strong background in software engineering and cloud technologies. The ideal candidate is a self-driven professional who excels in a dynamic environment and is committed to achieving excellence. Key Responsibilities: • Design and implement scalable, secure cloud architecture for various applications and systems. • Collaborate with IT and business teams to understand their needs and provide cloud-based solutions. • Ensure compliance with security standards and best practices in cloud architecture. • Provide technical leadership and mentorship to other team members. • Manage cloud resources and optimize the infrastructure for maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness. • Stay updated with the latest industry trends and cloud technologies. About the Team The Center of Excellence (CoE) for Cloud Architecture and DevSecOps at client´s Risk Management InfoTech is a specialized group composed of expert Cloud Architects and DevSecOps Engineers. The team is at the forefront of shaping the future technical architecture and DevSecOps practices within the RMIT domain. As we continue to grow, we are looking to expand our team with the addition of another skilled Cloud Solution Architect.
Bratislava (hybrid work)
Main responsibilities: - customer (one of major Austrian mobile network operator) facing support engineer in vendor-network operator environment (on-site) - maintenance and support activities of voice and/or messaging core network elements in a cloud environment (network change operations, upgrades, processing / tracing trouble tickets, performance monitoring, troubleshooting, inspection tasks, etc.) - acting as interface between network operator technical team and vendor level 3 support - providing technical support for mobile and fixed voice services
Vienna, onsite

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